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Perintonsillar abscess aspiration

By 4:03 PM

Anatomic considerations

Target: abscess is usually superior to the tonsil, at the intersection of the base of the uvula and the anterior tonsillar pillar (see circled area in diagram below), and deep to the mucosa and palatoglossus muscle.

The carotid is usually 2cm posterolateral to the target.

May consider bending the needle at 1.5cm or cutting off the a needle cap to expose only 1.5cm of needle

Needle aspiration of a PTA can be done with a 1.5 inch needle on a syringe. However, the barrel of the syringe often can obscure the practitioner's line of sight, as shown in this photo. To optimize the view, use a 3.5 inch spinal needle so that the syringe remains outside of the patient's mouth.



Peritonsillar Abscess Management - Iowa Head and Neck Protocols - ITS Wiki Service


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